5 Jan 2016

今天早上的灵修由诗韵带领,她用了和以往不同的方式,让我们先分享自己是怎么面对与克服不想做的事情经验。 从分享中我们得知,有的逼不得已,有的在朋友压力下妥协。虽然如此,最终大多数的人都觉得他们的劳苦得到收获,从事件中成长。我们参考了这节经文约书亚 1:1-4 ,也学习到就算我们有很多不想要做的也要学习怎么服从上帝的旨意。上帝的能耐很大,他只需要愿意的人, 其他的不足他会帮助我们。

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1. 以圣经字义定义
- Greek: ekklesia
- 问题在于:怎么知道谁是从世界中呼召出来了

- 问题在于:要怎么定义哪些活动是教会的活动。如果那组人没有一一实行活动,那还能算做教会吗?

3. 以教会历史的定义
- 问题在于:很难追溯历史

尼西亚信经: 我信独一、圣洁、大公、使徒 的教会

- 独一 (only one denomination): 因为是基督的身体
Some groups of people who differ from the mainstream don't recognise Christ as the head, thus they are not the church.

- 圣洁 (the church is the bride of Christ)
Bride: the purity of the doctrine + purity of morals and values

- 大公 (catholic) 在基督里的人都是同等的
Equality among all those who have received Christ

- 使徒 (apostolic) Apostles (NT) and Prophets (OT) (sola scripture).
Ephesians 2:20-22 Calvin uses this verse to oppose the Roman Catholics of the church that decides what is true instead of the bible

The reformed church definition (改教后的定义)
- 传讲上帝的道
- 执行上帝的圣礼 ( 如罗马天主教徒有 7 个圣礼而 长老会则有 2个)

张牧师叶教导我们教会的功能 Functions of the Church:
- 教导 Teaching
- 关怀 Caring
- 宣教 Evangelism
- 行政 Administration
- 团契 Fellowship


Did you know (1)?There are only 2 churches in Singapore who does not have to continue their lease of the land. The churches are Orchard Road Presbyterian Church (which also houses PPC) and St Andrews Cathedral! These plots of land were given by Queen Elizabeth when Singapore was a British Colony.

Did you know (2)? All churches around the world who have the name St Andrew are Presbyterian! The only exception is Singapore because back in the days the church had difficulty looking for a Presbyterian pastor and thus they hired an Anglican pastor,  hence becoming an Anglican church it is today!  (so that means the land that St Andrew's Cathedral is sitting on was actually the Presbyterians land :-( but it doesn't matter so long as we use it to worship the Lord and do God's work! :-)

Image may contain: 10 people, people standing and indoor


1. 见证 (用于<5mins)
- 开头:述说主题
- 简介认识主之前的生命
- 怎么样成为基督徒
- 认识主后的改变
- 附加经文

2. 1 Verse Evangelism (用于 5 mins )
应用这个经节(罗马书 6:23)和图片来解释神赐给我们永生的礼物
Image may contain: one or more people, people sitting, table and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting

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3. 2 ways to live (用于8-10mins)
Image may contain: text

非常高兴 能够学到这么多种方法来传福音。以前我认为传福音非常困难,原来有简单的方法帮助我们。大家也成对引用所学的练习向彼此传福音 :-)

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

Image may contain: one or more people and people sitting

Image may contain: 2 people, people sitting

思琦 (5 Jan 2017)



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